November 16th / 17th / 18th
The music-theater collective "Untere Reklamationsbehörde" invites you to a feminist look at the topic of living space – including a music theater in the apartment of Viennese architecture pioneer Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky.The MSL Centre is delighted to be part of this project this year and to be the venue for several performances.
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Tuesday, 12.11.2024, 5 p.m.
Panel Discussion Wien Modern – MARGARETE SCHÜTTE-LIHOTZKY 2
Location: Museum of applied Arts Vienna MAK Säulenhalle
Event ends at approx. 6 p.m.
admission free
Further information on the event can be found via this link.
Production Wien Modern and MAK
Cooperation Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Centre and Az W Architekturzentrum Wien
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Following in the footsteps of Viennese architecture pioneer Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897-2000), the two artists Julia Mihály and Maria Huber from the music theater collective “Untere Reklamationsbehörde” invite you to take individual walks through the city of Vienna.>> Here is the link to the audio pieces
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Thursday, 24.10.2024, 5:30 p.m.
Teatime – Presentation of the new kitchen
At this event, experts from the MSL Z team and the architecture firm mobimenti talked about the reconstruction of Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky's kitchen.
The focus was on the planning process for the restoration of the room, the renovation work in the summer and the topic of kitchen construction in general.
This Teatime will be recorded and a video of the event will soon be made available on our website!
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Sunday, 29.9.2024, 10 a.m - 3 p.m.
Heritage Day
Once again, the MSL Centre opened its doors to numerous visitors on Heritage Day and offered five guided tours of Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky's former apartment!
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Friday, 27.9.2024, 2 p.m.
Reopening the MSL Centre!
On Wednesday, September 25, we celebrated the reopening with our sponsors and project partners.
From Friday, September 27, the MSL Centre is open to museum guests at the usual times (Fridays 2-6 p.m. / Tuesdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m.).
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Wednesday, 25.9.2024
Reopening Celebration
On September 25, the MSL Centre celebrated the reopening of the Franzensgasse apartment together with its sponsors and project partners. During the summer closure, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky's former kitchen was reconstructed and can now be experienced by visitors!
We would like to thank the guests for their continued support and for an exciting evening full of interesting conversations!
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Friday, 6.9.2024
Visit at the Women's Museum in Hittisau
The team from the MSL Centre recently took a trip to Vorarlberg. The main destination of this excursion was the Women's Museum in Hittisau.
We were welcomed by the director of the museum, Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra, who gave us a guided tour of the museum and the current exhibition "BLITZBLANK! Vom Putzen – innen, außen, überall".
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