Friday, 2.6.2023

I am not a kitchen - Parteitag der Kunst (II)

chaired by Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (*1897 - †2000)
Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky House | Südbahngürtel 24 | Klagenfurt/Celovec

UNIKUM '' Philosophical Experiments ''WerkStattMuseum DelavnicaMUZEJ'' MSL Magarete Schütte-Lihotzky Centre ''Architektur Haus Kärnten Initiativgruppe Kanaltaler-Siedlung Villach''

Talks by Christine Zwingl
Vertical Plan
Building for Children
"People always think I'm a kitchen architect, just like they think I'm a women's rights activist. Neither is true. I am an old systematist and have always based my work on functional necessities."
"I am not a kitchen (...) If I had known that I would have to talk about this damn kitchen all my life, I would never have built it."

With this statement by Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, UNIKUM calls to the second "Parteitag der Kunst" chaired by the unwavering architect with vision. Her 103 years of life were determined by her demands for (multi-)functional, economical as well as emancipatory architecture, social justice, pacifism and active resistance against fascism. A heroine of the resistance and a political activist, she never wavered from her ideals and convictions throughout her life.
View into the apartment, September 2022, Photo: Bettina Frenzel
The sleeping niche with the restored wall hanging, September 2022, Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky in her apartment, 1981, Photo: Margherita Spiluttini